Mathilde Monnier
COACHING PROJECT: Du Rapport Texte et Mouvement
© Marc Coudrais
Coaching Project
Week 1, 17.7.–21.7.2006
Du rapport texte et mouvement
This workshop is based on a concrete situation described hereunder, being subject to both research into and its relationship with a certain mode of representation.
First Part (class): Awareness through Movement. Starting with some prerequisites of dance and the repertory of the Feldenkrais method we will explore movement through focussing on our inner sensitivity. "One of the advantages of the Feldenkrais method is to not show something - but to rather free ourselves from all imitation... [in dance]" - where we are - in contrast - confronted with the 'spectacle'. Both approaches spring from the common source of movement.
Second Part (workshop) : The workshop will be dedicated to the relationship between text and movement. I will propose a situation to start out with, an encounter with the audience after the show. The piece itself will be fictitous. First we'll talk about the performance - which nobody has seen - and then, using statements randomly picked up, we'll develop a condensed form, to show a brief excerpt of it. The idea is to create a form within five days, staging the discussion after the performance, which will represent an extract of our imaginary piece.
Mathilde Monnier
In 1986, she received the award of the Ministère de la Culture for Cru. Until 1987 she worked with Jean-François Duroure Pudique acide and Extasis. Between 1988 and 1999 she has choreographed Je ne vois pas la femme cachée dans la forêt, Chinoiserie, Pour Antigone. In 1994, she was appointed as director of the Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier. There she created Nuit (1995), L’atelier en pièces (1996), Arrêtez, arrêtons, arrête (1997) with Christine Angot, Les lieux de là in 1998/99 with Heiner Goebbels, and in 2000 Potlatch, dérives,before being assigned Signé, Signés based on the work of Merce Cunningham & John Cage’s. The Royal Swedish Ballet commissioned Natt & Rose. In 2002, she presented Allitérations for Ircam (with Jean-Luc Nancy). She also created Multimaterials and in 2002 Déroutes based on a novel from G. Büchner (“Lenz”) within the Festival d’Automne. In September 03, she created Slide for the Lyon Opera Ballet and in 2004, she created Pièces. At Montpellier dance 2004 she showed Publique (with PJ Harvey). 2005 was marked by two productions: La Place du singe (with Christine Angot) at Montpellier Danse. Frère&Soeur was commissioned by Avignon Festival 05 at the Cour d’Honneur du Palais des Papes. In 2006, she created 2008 vallée with the french singer Katerine.
At the same time she co-directed Chinoiseries and Bruit blanc with Valérie Urréa, and E pour eux (director Karim Zeriahen). In 2004, Claire Denis directed Vers Mathilde. In 2001 she contributed to Dehors la danse (with Jean-Luc Nancy) and MW with Isabelle Waternaux and Dominique Fourcade.
Mathilde Monnier was distinguished in 99 with the Grand Prix National des Arts du Spectacle Vivant (national award for the performing arts delivered by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - France), and received in 2000, the distinction of Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and the Grand Prix de l’Etoile Dansante, first equal with Heiner Goebbels, awarded by the Fundacio Laura Wolf Andorra (Expo Hannover 2000).
Mathilde Monnier