Marco Berrettini
Coaching Project
Week 1, 17.7.–21.7.2006
My Mini-Lab "FEELINGS" isn't complicated at all. As indicated in the title, it is about feelings, with a big "F".
How much, during the past 60 years, has dance been preoccupied with the expression of 'inner' states? The psychological and analytical aspect has been strongly emphasized in these last decades. Is there anything left in a reserve tank, where states and feelings still exist, that could nourish our choreographic work? With this in mind, I asked myself the question, in which situations, seeing which films, and listening to what kind of music am I still capable of feeling strongly, without my intellect being forced to attach any kind of value to a given situation. Why are our tears flowing, when we hear a particular song? And how can we avoid, that we experience our feelings as kitschy and superficial as the songs or movies, that trigger these emotions.
I've written up a list of songs, that are important in my life. Songs, that make me weak, when I listen to them.
- The way we were/Barbra Streisand
- Just the way you are/Billy Joel
- I'm not in love/Ten CC
- All by myself/Eric Carmen
- She/Charles Aszanour
- But I still haven't found what I'm looking for/U2
... und ein paar andere.
Participants are invited to bring songs that are important in their life.
In collaboration with the participants I want to make choreographic work - in the widest sense - around these songs. Perhaps there will be a modest performance in the end. But that doesn't have to be.
Marco Berrettini
At age 14, German-born Italian Marco Berrettini has been German Disco Champion. After that he studied with Martha Graham at London Contemporary Dance School and with Pina Bausch at Folkwangschule Essen. In 1986 he founded his own company.
Marco Berrettini