Research 2008

Research 2008

Davis Freeman
Non-Acting Acting for the Performer

Coaching Project
Week 3, 28.7.–1.8.2008
Non - acting acting for the performer. This workshop explores what it is to sound, look, and be real the stage. We will investigate different ways to use the voice and how to manipulate multiple meanings out of text using volume, tone, and rhythm as tools. We will work with and without microphones, use lists, film texts, novels, and improvisations to generate and inspire our own material. You could consider it acting, doing nothing, or using tricks nevertheless this week we will explore how to consciously reveal the person behind the performer. Davis Freeman Davis Freeman is an actor, dancer, director, and performance artist who worked with Forced Entertainment ("Bloody Mess", "The World in Pictures"), Meg Stuart ("Highway 101", "Alibi"), Hans van den Broeck ( "They feed we eat eat eat") and Stephan Pucher ("Kirshgarten,","Snapshots"). He started the company Random Scream in 2001 with Lilia Mestre; they have created work together and alone which has toured internationally. He is currently touring with Superamas in their latest piece "Empire" and is developing his new piece "Saving Lies" which will premiere in the Fall.
Davis Freeman
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