Research 2017

Research 2017

Andrea Maurer & Frans Poelstra
Radio Show

© Andrea Maurer
Field Project
DA theatre


RADIO SHOW will be a Field Project that involves different practices from visual arts, sound composition, poetry and choreography. A juicy mix of things Andrea Maurer and Frans Poelstra have experimented with in the last 4 years of their collaboration. We will work towards a presentation, the final RADIO SHOW, on Friday the 11th of August, which will be broadcasted live. It will be a show to listen to on the radio and a show to look at (and listen to) in the gallery space, where we will work at.

RADIO SHOW will take place within an installative setting inside a gallery-space and will be on display throughout the whole time of the week. This means that at any time visitors can come to see and hear us working in and on a living art installation. Thus the show will be on show before the show. The installation will consist of a small stage, props, construction materials, microphones and recording devices. This setting can be used and changed in multiple ways, can be deconstructed and reconstructed.

Involving different practices from visual arts, sound composition, poetry and choreography, we want to offer a space for try-out and play, for listening and looking, for collective and individual processes and spontaneous moments. Focusing on questions around language, its acoustic and visual materiality and its relationship to the body and the space, our investigations can move from object choreography to concrete poetry, from noise concert to interviews with objects, from abstract composition to surreal theatrical scenes, yes, we take words as sounds, sounds as objects, objects as bodies. We will not take anything for granted. We will take apart what we find, scramble, stumble, score, scratch and screw it up.

Part of the Field Project will be gathering a sound-archive of the festival. With this sound material, which will add on day by day, we are going to work (to move, to dance, to comment) within the installative setting and will become the visual complement to the final RADIO SHOW. In this way RADIO SHOW will also become a twisted, abstract, funny, critical, multi-sensual sound documentation of the festival, which will raise new and old questions about how we perceive and move through a world full of performances.

Andrea Maurer and Frans Poelstra work together since 2013. Although they both are very different in their approaches towards their artistic work they share a common believe in the absurd, the non-linear, the unspeakable, the twisted and more stuttering (ad)verbs. As a result they produced the performances "Poelstra stolpert, Maurer sägt" of which a critic wrote „where the nonsense makes sense” and "Sure I am not, the scattered series #1".

Andrea MaurerFrans Poelstra
© Andrea Maurer
© Andrea Maurer