Research 2013

Research 2013

Alice Chauchat & Alix Eynaudi
FIELD PROJECTS | Empathy, care, parasitism, camouflage & cannibalism

© Hans Schabus
Field Project

Research research, a choreographic adventure:

parasitism, care, camouflage, empathy and cannibalism

In this Field Project each day will be spent researching a mode of relation that is too large to be tackled in such a short time. As a result, we will focus on appropriation and transformation rather than on fidelity. Empathy, care, parasitism, camouflage and cannibalism will be our objects and means of research. This process will allow us to pose questions about the relations between knowledge and practice: What does it mean to work with a topic in performance? How much information can you gather? What kind of information? How do you look for it? And first and foremost, what do you do with it?

In order to take this last question seriously we intend to do a showing at the end of each day of the performance proposals stemming from the day's work. Although the next day will be organised around another topic, this shared reflexion on the procedures used will help us accumulate possibilities for work processes. We will be starting the day with an intensive laying out of what we already know or think about the day's given relational mode, before looking for knowledge we don't have yet. What we aim at with the daily showings, is to foreground how whatever we learn only exists in our practice once it's been digested and appropriated.

Alice ChauchatAlix Eynaudi
© Dieter Hartwig
© Alice Chauchat