Public Moves 2019

Public Moves 2019

PLENVM Ninja & DaDa De La Ehle (DaDa JV)
5 Elements 4 Battlecats

Public Moves
© Iris Shala

In Voguing, you tell your story and show us who you are through the use of the 5 elements: Hands, Catwalk, Duckwalk, Floor Performance, Spins & Dips. You think you're fierce? Let's put it to the test, then! We will show you how to let your individuality shine, and how to make your brain and body respond quickly to unknown situations. Come strut with us!

DaDa Elle (DaDa JV)Plenvm Ninja

MORE OF PLENVM Ninja & DaDa De La Ehle (DaDa JV)