Performances 2012

Performances 2012

Ian Kaler (AT/DE)
Insignificant Others (learning to look sideways)

© Eva Würdinger

„Insignificant Others (learning to look sideways)“

Three young people dance beside each other. They avoid getting into closer contact with each other. Their eyes meet a couple of times, but that’s about as emotional as they get. Only the tempo and the rhythm unite their movements – concentrated phrases that effortlessly glide into one another, occasionally leading to painfully twisted poses. An Kaler, Alex Baczynski-Jenkins and Antonija Livingstone are strong performers with very individual talents. “Insignificant Others (learning to look sideways)” radiates urban hipness, which combines quite naturally with the dancers’ androgyny.

Duration: approx. 50 min.


27.7.2012, 21:45
Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz
29.7.2012, 21:45
Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz