Performances 2022

Performances 2022

Choreographic Convention VII
Speculative Fiction. Screening

Choreographic Convention
Flavia Mazzanti Sympoietic Bodies 2020 © Flavia Mazzanti

In the face of social upheavals resulting from global warming or the pandemic questions and longings for a different way of dealing with the world increase. The cinematic pieces of the presented artists sketch out imaginary alternatives to a political and ecological present that is perceived as unfavourable. They thereby turn to speculative fiction – explicitly referencing Donna Haraway’s ideas. The sci-fi genre claims a new level of relevance within the medium of video art in this search for contemporary utopias. The films raise questions as to the interconnectedness of human and non-human life forms – ranging from our environmental surroundings to types of artificial intelligence – and reframe the concept of utopia beyond its modern definition. The screening Speculative Fiction presents works by graduates of the Academy who explore the outlined thematic area with their works.

Curator: Stephanie Damianitsch
With works by: Veronika Eberhart, Katrin Euller, Barbara Kapusta, Pille-Riin Jaik, Flavia Mazzanti, Ursula Mayer, Marlies Pöschl, Stefanie Schwarzwimmer, Paula Strunden, Kay Walkowiak

More information here:

In cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Part of the Choreographic Convention VII In Other Words: A Future

Opening Week: 9–17 July 2022, 10:00–18:00

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Exhibit Galerie

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