For six days, Ivo Dimchev is going to explore seven of his favorite creative activities: teaching, writing, painting, writing songs, playing piano, giving concerts, filming music videos, giving interviews. Each of these activities might morph and transgress along the way. Pay Ivo a visit and witness his 8 hours performance laboratory Avoiding deLIFEath and the resulting Avoiding deLIFEath Exhibition, which he will amend and rearrange every day anew!
There is a moment when things you love to do become a nightmare. And then there is a moment when this very nightmare might become an opening. Whether a nightmare or a blessing, it doesn’t really matter to me. Because I prefer flying in Hell over crouching in Heaven. I can subvert my work only from the inside. And that is what I mostly expect from myself approaching this long-durational workaholic meditation. (Ivo Dimchev)
Avoiding deLIFEath (Performance)
See also:
Sculptures (album premiere)