Turbo Residency Showing
Wednesday, 2 August 2023, 17:00
Ballettakademie, Goethegasse 1, 1010 Vienna
Recipes of Being
Sunny Pfalzer
The Recipes of Being are a collection of scores Sunny collected from observations in public space: Waiting, daydreaming or singing with headphones. The movements seem spontaneous, embracing a feeling of authenticity, yet they are rehearsed. The “Recipes of Being” act as a metaphor for the inherent performativity of everyday life gestures and explore the conjunctions of representation, feelings and the invisible structure that underlies the being.
Sunny Pfalzer is a performance artist, a Surfer Boy, a Go-Go-Girl and a Slug. They love to cuddle on the street. Whether they perform on stage, sew textile sculptures, hold a camera, or choreograph for public spaces, their approach is always bodily and felt.
A charcoal land, horizon, riding a house
Netti Nüganen
The quote from Rebecca Solnit "The arrival, like origin, is a mythical place" has allowed Netti's interest in history (tracing back ideas to their source) to gain a layer: assuming the impossibility of belonging to / being in / originating from one singular place. The multiplicity appears as we travel - as tourists, as migrants, as nomads - and allows us to get acquainted to our other selves. Home becomes not a place to belong to, but a place to adapt to.
In the two weeks of Turbo residency Nüganen's focus is sound: her daily practice consists of banjo lessons and vocal exercises. She has been composing songs – combining hillbilly banjo sounds, punk-rock screams, fast-paced-chanting with melodic ballads. Influenced, both, by black metal and country, she investigates the possibilities of relating to nature when the 'green world' is no longer the primary reference.
Netti Nüganen is a performance artist who recently moved to Vienna. After receiving the BMKÖS Startstipendium in 2023, she began her new work process – with Turbo being the first leg of residencies.
In 2019 she gained her choreography BA in SNDO, School for New Dance Development. As a doomer, she looks for ways to (re)establish connections with the past, which would enable an intentional look upon present and extend the perspective towards the future.
Her previous works have been shown in Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Batard Festival, KIM? gallery, Uferstudios, Lisbon Film Festival, My Wild Flag festival, Jason Platform and more. Next to that she has been touring since 2017 with Florentina Holzinger’s performances Apollon, Tanz and Ophelia's Got Talent. In 2023 Nüganen received the Estonian Theatre Award in Performance.