Obituary for Brigitte Bierlein

© Maximilian Pramatarov

It is with great sadness and deepest sympathy that we bid farewell to Brigitte Bierlein, an extraordinary woman who left a lasting mark through her multifaceted commitment and tireless dedication both in politics and in the art world – including ImPulsTanz.

She was not only the first female President of the Constitutional Court, but also later the first and sometimes only female Federal Chancellor of Austria. In addition to an impressive career as a lawyer, she also distinguished herself through her great commitment to the arts and the promotion of young artists. Her work as danceWEB President was characterised by her conviction in the importance of art and culture in our society. She worked tirelessly to provide a platform for young dancers to develop their skills and realise their creative ideas. However, it was not only young choreographers who benefited from her commitment and expertise, but also the entire ImPulsTanz festival. As a member of ImPulsBringer, the friends of the ImPulsTanz Festival, she also showed her dedication to dance and made a significant contribution to ensuring that the festival remains a lively and vibrant meeting place for dancers from all over the world.

Brigitte Bierlein leaves behind an impressive legacy, both as a pioneer in Austrian politics and as a passionate supporter of the arts. But she will also be remembered as a wonderful, warm-hearted woman who was always ready to help and encourage others. We bow to her with great respect. Her expertise, elegance and refined courtesy have enriched our lives and our festival. We are grateful for all the wonderful theatre evenings we were able to spend with her.

Rest in peace, dear Brigitte. You will be missed!
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to all those who mourn Brigitte with us.
Karl Regensburger and the entire ImPulsTanz team


ImPulsBringer 2021 © yakoone
Choreographic Convention Opening 2022 © yakoone