From 19 to 21 October, the Choreographic Platform Austria will take place at brut, Festspielhaus Sankt Pölten and Tanzquartier Wien – the entire programme is now here available! 

In addition to highlights from previous years, newly developed pieces and films will also be shown during the festival and a preview of upcoming productions will be given in the pitching sessions. 

Curated by: brut, Festspielhaus Sankt Pölten, ImPulsTanz, Osterfestival Tirol, Szene Salzburg and Tanzquartier Wien

With CieLAROQUE/helene weinzierl, Alix Eynaudi, Veza Fernández, Philipp Gehmacher, Florentina Holzinger, Hungry Sharks, Liquid Loft, Navaridas/Deutinger/Riegler, Mzamo Nondlwana, Karin Pauer, Amanda Piña/nadaproductions, Michael Turinsky, Doris Uhlich