
Further education and exchange programme
9 July – 13 August 2025

Each year, the five-week programme allows dancers and young choreographers from around 40 countries to take part in all workshops and research projects, and to watch all ImPulsTanz performances. The festival’s international orientation provides an ideal platform for up-and-coming artists and enables the sharing of ideas with teachers and choreographers to establish a network. In addition, the participants are mentored by internationally renowned artists from the dance and performance scene.

In 2025, the choregraph, director, dancer and Artistic Director of the feath3r theory (TF3T) Raja Feather Kelly will be danceWEB mentor.


“The ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival is a kind of utopia. You dance, watch, engage, create, party, release, repeat. In some ways it is a Darwinian feat of survival. How do you find the balance of so much stimulation? Why are you here? What are you looking for? How might you walk away with a feeling of inspiration and a hunger to contribute to the world as your best artist self? How do you assess what feels like an artistic state of the union? How do you safely enter, take advantage, give yourself fully, and transform your queries into action (or not) by the time you leave? These questions are what I have asked myself every year at the festival since my first visit as a danceWEB scholar in 2009. While I take the preparations of these questions quite seriously, never ever have I answered them… this is the gift the festival has offered me. Having been invited back under so many different facilities at ImPulsTanz, I am truly honored and excited to be back as the danceWEB mentor in 2025, and to offer this modus operandi to the 2025 scholars. Question Deeply, Require No Return, Accept all Residuals. Engage and interact, behave and reflect, create and accept. How do we think more, feel deeper, and create new pathways for this to happen in all that you do, and to then find the best means to express, share, and create experience out of your findings. From language and behavior to performance, Do we create culture or does culture create us? Why do we come together and how do we fall apart? The danceWEB scholars are a devised ensemble group documenting not what but how and with this how…how do we desire, how do we need. Where do our different ‘how’s’ parallel, intersect, cross, divide, circle, circumvent, reverse, loop, intertwine, and end? and then back 2 back to what? What does this mean to you? I am curious and dedicated to being of service to radical questioning and infinite propositions.”


  • Participation in the ImPulsTanz research projects (Pro Series & Field Projects)
  • Participation in the ImPulsTanz workshops
  • Participation in the ImPulsTanz Symposium for Dance and Other Contemporary Practices LACE#3
  • Free admission to all performances at ImPulsTanz
  • Salons exclusively available to danceWEB participants
  • Lecture demonstrations and roundtables
  • Accommodation
  • Mentoring by internationally renowned artists, changing each year
  • Inclusion in the constantly growing international danceWEB database


Applications can be submitted via the online tool:
The application period for 2025 has already ended. 

For the application we need the following information (in English): personal data, a CV, a letter of motivation, letter of recommendation (optional), a portrait photo and links to videos of past artistic works.

We will inform the applicants about an acceptance or rejection by mid-January 2025. To formalise your participation in the danceWEB programme, the co-financing of 2.500 euro has to be guaranteed by a funding body or by the danceWEB participant by 2 June 2025.

After receiving the written confirmation of participation, we will send you an official invitation letter including confirmation of acceptance. This letter is intended to help with applications for travel subsidies, grants or other types of financial support. The danceWEB coordinator will be happy to advise you on available funding opportunities. With the written confirmation of participation we reserve your place in the programme, this is then binding and obliges you to pay the co-financing fee.

Cancellation Policy
Please note that you can cancel your participation until 2 June 2025. In this case, a cancellation fee of 50 euro will be retained (or requested) and we will refund the remaining amount that has already been paid (if applicable). For cancellations after 2 June 2025 there will be no more reimbursement, but 2,450 euro (2,500 euro minus cancellation fee) can be redeemed within ImPulsTanz workshop and research programme 2025, 2026 or 2027. A participation in danceWEB is only possible if the co-financing fee is paid prior to the start of the programme. 

Application deadline was 6 December 2024.

Further information


The scholarship programme is an activity of the danceWEB association and a project of Life Long Burning – Futures Lost and Found, funded by the EU programme Creative Europe.