Wendy Houstoun (UK)


Since 1980, Wendy Houstoun has worked extensively as a solo performer, and in collaboration with companies and artists whose work challenges, enriches, and extends the boundaries of dance and theatre. Her work with DV8 Physical Theatre, Tim Etchells and Forced Entertainment, film-maker David Hinton, Jonathan Burrows, Nigel Charnock, performance artist Rose English, Gloria Theatre, Lumiere and Son Theatre and Ludus Dance Company has explored large and small stages, specific sites, film and installation.
Wendy’s solo pieces „Haunted, Daunted and Flaunted, Happy Hour“ and „The 48 Almost Love Lyrics“ have all toured Europe. She has made two films „Touched“ and „Diary of a Dancer“ for BBC with David Hinton. Site-specific commissions include „Mind the Gap“ for the South Bank Centre, „Reverse Effect“ for Cultural Industry, and „Take Me to the River“ for the South Bank and Greenwich & Docklands Festival.
Over the years, her work has developed a uniquely distinctive style that combines movement with text, and meaning with humour. While her work challenges preconceptions about movement, she communicates clearly and humorously about our culture.


        Chris Nash
© Chris Nash