Anna Friedhofen


Anna Friedhofen holds a bachelor degree in Elementary music and dance pedagogy with focus on music and dance in social work and inclusion. Her intrinsic passion for movement and dance in connection with the field of social works brought her to Wolfgang Stange – the leader and founder of Amici dance company in London – where she had the opportunity to dive deeper into the field of mixed-abled dance in 2019. During the past years she collected experiences in the field of inclusivity and social works e.g. as personal assistance at Lebenshilfe, Salzburg and working as music and dance pedagogue in various group constellations with teenagers, seniors, children and people with disabilities. Since 2023 she is certified DanceAbility teacher after the method of Alito Alessi. Afterwards she and her colleagues Mathias Posch and Elisabeth Pieper founded a mixed-abled dance group for teenagers called MAD.



Public Moves