Odile Seitz (DE/FR)


Odile works as dancer, Practitioner and Teacher of Body-Mind Centering®, healing practitioner for Craniosacral Therapy, coming from France and living in Berlin since 2000. She explores micro and macro movement of the living, feeling, thinking, and expressing body – the soma – in different

After a dance career in France and Germany, she is certified as BMC Somatic Movement Educator and Practitioner at the french School for Body-Mind Centering Soma, followed by teaching at the the German for Body-Mind Centering Soma, moveus and is involved in BMC Training since 2019 in these schools and since 2021 is member from the moveus teaching team, together with Friederike Tröcher and Nina Wehnert. Since 2005, she teaches internationally in Dance schools and Dance festivals (a. o. Fabrik Potsdam, Potsdamer Tanztage, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Tanzfestival Bielefeld, ImPulsTanz Wien), in Highschools for Dance and Choreography (HZT Berlin and Stockholm) and for social workers (FHWS Würzburg and FHCHP Potsdam) and dance teacher education programs (Seneca Berlin). Since many years she gives individual sessions and works individually and in groups with families, supporting developmental challenges and internal dynamics.

Her deepest interest and joy for movement accompany her therapeutic, educational and artistic work since years, with the wish to support client, participants, students, and families in the unfolding of their personal potential, strength, and sensitivity.


© Seitz