Jaskaran Anand is an internationally recognised performance artist and lives in Vienna and Linz. Jaskaran works in the areas of directing, project management, choreography, education, cultural initiatives and film. In his* work he explores reality formation and interconnectedness within the geopolitical human body and space-time anomalies. He* explores this through philosophy and the avatar Harmonical.Self. With a blend of scientific, technical, artistic, and cultural development skills and experiences, his* transdisciplinary works include dance, choreography, direction, creative inputs, writing, performance, music, film, scientific ontologies and technological interfaces.
His* long-term projects place of belonging and L-INKED (imagetanz Festival 2021 and 2022 at brut) deal with transdisciplinary approaches, and his more recent works In-between Privacy, Hibernating Further and MachinedHuman! deal with digitalisation, ecological-psychological aspects, body politics and posthumanism. Since 2009 he* has performed, choreographed and taught throughout Europe and India and has appeared at, among others, ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival, Ars Electronica Festival, Europäisches Theater Night, Lange Nacht der Museun, Opéra de Lausanne, Tanztage Burgenland and Roma Europa Festival. He also worked in cooperation and performance projects with/of renowned artists such as Ivo Dimchev, Salvo Lombardo/CHIASMA, Dr. Sandra Chatterjee and Liz King.
Based on dance-theatre, meditation and art-education based practices, he* leads and co-organises improvisation-based workshops and pedagogical projects conceptualised under Deforming-body ideologies, City Swarming – a dance marathon, Moving Energies and the very famous Playful Bodies.