Kira Kirsch (DE/AT)


Kira Kirsch is a movement artist, mother, community organizer, experiential researcher and initiater/curator born in East-Berlin. After seven years in San Francisco she now works and lives with her family in Berlin as residents of Lake Studios – an artist run dance, production and performance place. She is deeply invested into creating and shaping spaces for people to experience,learn about and sensitize their mind-body-movement continuum. She has pioneered, taught and continuously researched through the lens of the Axis Syllabus (AS) for more than 20 years and has established dance research communities in Brussels, San Francisco and Berlin. Her work is also deeply influenced by her studies in Moving Alchemy/Sarah Shelton Mann, Biodynamic Craniosacral Studies, Mind in Motion (Nita Little), NVC and BMC. As a curator she collaborated on SENSING IN festival, mov*ed-a peer exchange platform for movement educators and has established a regular educational program under the name of Movement Artisans in Berlin. Kira is invited internationally to both contemporary and CI festivals and teaches at professional dance institutions. Recent artistic projects have been Many Lives with choreographer Jorge de Hoyos, (dis)comfort behaviours with actress Anneke Schwabe, Earth will Come with film maker Katelyn Stiles and musician/poet Barnaby Tree or music video We are the flood and short film dreamstroy with the collective Cargocult. Kira is also a passionate contact improvisor which constitutes much of her experiential research practice.

In her pedagogical work she celebrates learning through movement and dancing together. She facilitates spaces that transform each participant into active and curious researchers of the body in movement and she is eager to cultivate the value of collaborative dance research. She is committed to the art of dancing and fascinated in the ecology of historical and emerging dance practices. This is also reflected in her current project together with four other Berlin dance artists and educators forming the initiative Being Mov*Ed: A platform for dance education and research providing multi- disciplinary contents and space for peer exchange, update, and reflection.


        Mattthias Lüdecke
© Mattthias Lüdecke